Just one time

Just one time I want to pull back the curtain

and see it all play out

I want to watch the universe do its thing

See the wrath of my hurt on your face

Just one time I want to shake the crystal ball

And hear what you say

To listen to you spin the story

And right at the end,

Your homies will call you a “Liar”

Just one time I want to rub the lamp, the genie

And read your mind out loud

To hear everything that had my name attached

To hear everything you think and know

Just one time I want a glimpse through the glass

And see you cry while looking at a picture of me

To see your chest hurt like mine did all those days

Just one time I want the chance to see into the future

Of your hell.

To see if you really reap what you sow

To hear the truth you dared never to say

To see the loneliness beating day after day

Just one time I want to be granted this

To know just once, that I was missed

Because all the good I poured out

Connected strong with love

Should be rewarded with this gift

I should know.

So just one time I want to pull back the curtain and see


Published by pen2paper2

I just exist

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